Scope and Key Dates
Submission Scope
ELF 13 seeks to explore the rapidly-growing phenomenon of English as a Lingua Franca and invites participants to submit their works in the following areas: linguistics, applied linguistics, corpus studies, English learning/teaching, English as a medium of instruction in content areas, intercultural communication and awareness, and language policy. We also welcome proposals on theoretical, practical reflections and studies in any ELF related areas. Presentations combining two or more perspectives will be especially appreciated. The conference themes include but not limited to the following thematic content strands.
(In alphabetical order)
- Advocacy, Social Justice, & Community Building
- Content-Integrated Approaches (CLIL)
- Culture & Intercultural Communication
- Digital Learning & Technologies
- English-medium instruction (EMI)
- ELF-informed ELT Pedagogy
- Language Assessment
- ELF-informed Materials Development & Publishing
- Policies, Program Administration & Evaluation
- Teacher Education and Professional Development
- Translanguaging
- Trans-modality or Trans-Pedagogy
- Other related areas
If you are interested in joining one of the colloquium sessions, please check the session titles and the main abstracts proposed by the chairs before you submit the abstract. A full presentation is 25 minutes, including the Q&A session. The abstract is limited to 250 words. Abstract submission will open around March and close on June 10, 2022. All abstracts will be anonymously reviewed, and notifications of acceptance will be sent out before August 15, 2022.
Key Dates
- Final Abstract Submission Deadline: June 10, 2022
- Results of abstract review returned to authors: August 15, 2022
- Draft Conference Program published online: To be announced.
How to Submit Your Abstract
To submit, go to the Submission page.
Submit your abstract within 250 words, with a title and 5 keywords, outlining the focus of your paper/presentation. Please provide the word count of the abstract in brackets at the end of the text.
Your abstract will undergo double-blind review and the results will be returned to you before August 15, 2022. The results of the review will be mailed to individual authors with instructions about how to take part in ELF 13, 2022.