Invited Colloquium Chair
Inmaculada Pineda Hernández
English, French and German Department
University of Málaga (Spain)
Yasemin Bayyurt & Sebnem Yalcin, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Fay Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Lucilla Lopriore, Roma Tre University, Italy
Inmaculada Pineda Hernández, University of Málaga, Spain
Title of Colloquium:
How can teacher training from an ELF perspective help ELT practitioners and CLIL teachers?
Following the compilation of the various ELF corpora (ASEAN, ELFA, VOICE) and the growth of ELF research, particularly focusing on DA and sociolinguistic analysis, a great number of international researchers have started to call for the need of theoretical inquiry into the implications and applications of ELF research in ELT (see references). With regards to teacher training and Professional Development (PD henceforth), several proposals have come up: ELF-awareness (Bayyurt and Sifakis 2017; Sifakis 2019), ELF Pedagogy (Kohn 2015; Dewey 2012), and the ELF perspective (Murata 2018). These pedagogical models share the same goal: introducing ELF-compatible materials and teaching techniques in the ELT classroom and developing PD programs that prepare ELT practitioners for their new sociolinguistic reality.
At the same time, CLIL, EMI and BE programs are rapidly growing in number and scope. In the light of ELF pedagogical endeavors on wonders: Is Teacher Training for Content-based-instruction in English also taking into account ELF research implications? Are the three ELF approaches applicable/applied in BE Teacher Training? What skills do ELT and CLIL/EMI teachers need to train? How can ELT and CLIL/EMI teachers develop their Global Competence and that of their students? What strategies and processes need to be applied in Teacher Education and PD to promote the successful use of ELF outside the ELT/BE classroom?
This colloquium will be structured as follows: a brief theoretical introduction to the different approaches to ELF Teacher Training will be discussed followed by 4 to 5 presentations on how local PD programs are being developed by integrating either of the ELF approaches into training ELT practitioners, BE professionals or both. A final discussion of the similarities/differences of each program will close the colloquium with the aim of providing a flexible blueprint for “ELF-inspired pedagogues to step up” (Kohn 2015) and train future ELT and BE teachers taking ELF research into consideration.
Bayyurt, Y. and Sifakis, N. (eds.) 2017. English language education policies and practices in the Mediterranean countries and beyond. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Dewey. M. 2012. Towards a post-normative approach: learning the pedagogy of ELF. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 1(1): 141-17.
Kohn, K. 2015. A pedagogical space for ELF in the English classroom. In Bayyurt, Y. and Akcan, S. (eds.). Current perspectives on Pedagogy for English as a Lingua Franca. Berlin: De Gruyter. 51-68.
Murata, K., & Iino, M. (2018). EMI in higher education: An ELF perspective. In J. Jenkins, W. Baker, & M. Dewey (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of English as a lingua franca. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. 400–412.
Sifakis, N. 2019. ELF awareness in English language teaching: Principles and processes. Applied Linguistics, 40(2): 288–306.
Brief Bio:
Dr. Pineda is an Assistant Professor at the University of Málaga (Spain) and a Visiting Senior Lecturer at King’s College London (UK). Applying ELF research implications into Teacher Training and ELT, she has published on pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards language and language change; ELF Pedagogy and CLIL training programs; and Teacher Training for EMI professors from an ELF approach. Her current research interests focus on ELF Pedagogy and teacher training, Media Semiotics, ELF and Bilingual Education. Her publications include articles in various refereed and indexed journals, and book chapters and books in the field. Recently she has conducted qualitative research about ELF and the implementation of CLIL in Taiwanese Primary Schools (2018) and about ELF in Teacher Training programs (2022).